Local Directory
Castile Historical Society
17 East Park Rd.
Castile, NY 14427
Phone: (585) 493-5370
Email: [email protected]
Website: https://castilehistory.weebly.com
President – Ronald Ballinger
Vice President – Sarah Ballinger
Secretary -Lorraine Sturm
Treasurer – Audrey Eberstein
Curator/Historian – Kay Swyers
Bev Edwards, Chairman
Mary Jane York
Fran Cox
Linda Faryna
Linda Smith
Jim Little
Ford Eberstein
—Vacancy TBD
—Vacancy TBD
The Castile Historical Society was chartered in April of 1955 by the University of the State of New York Education Department to collect and exhibit records, pictures and other items/artifacts connected with the history of Castile and surrounding area, to conduct or sponsor research in such history and to promote interest therein. The Society meets quarterly on the first Thursday of March, June, September and December at 6:00 PM at the United Church of Christ on Washington Street in Castile, NY. A business meeting is preceded by a pot luck dinner and followed with a program of historical interest that is both informational and entertaining.
The Castile Historical Museum was donated to the Castile Historical Society by Mrs. John Eddy in 1956, in memory of her husband. It is a house filled with artifacts, records and pictures covering more than a century. All the items in the house and barn have been donated by interested persons.
On display at the museum: Extensive genealogical records, Large picture files of houses, businesses and public buildings in the area, Cemetery and census records, Scrapbooks and clipping files, Newspapers on Microfilm, Files on surrounding villages and townships, Seven rooms furnished in Victorian style, A large collection of clothing, A barn full of colonial farm equipment, War records and memorabilia from the Civil War, Revolutionary War, World War I and World War II and Miscellaneous items.
The Historical Museum is open all year for research or conducted tours.
Hours: Tuesdays 9am-Noon and 1pm to 3pm
Admission is free. Donations gratefully accepted.
Castile Rescue Squad
PO Box 338
Castile, NY 14427-0338
Captain – Steve Aiken
Lieutenant – Sarah Ballinger
Treasurer – Ronald Ballinger
Castile Volunteer Fire Department
Castile Fire Hall
37 North Main St.
PO Box 98
Castile, NY 14427-0098
Phone: (585) 493-2850
Fire Chief – Bill Dake
First Assistant Chief – Tom Wright
Second Assistant Chief – Brian Brown
President – Kevin Belkota
Vice President – Zach Dake
Secretary – Jeremiah Norcross
Treasurer – Todd Miller
The Town of Castile owns three cemeteries:
The Grace, Middle Reservation and Jackson Memorial Cemeteries are currently in use.
Grace Cemetery Fees:
$500 – Burial lots
$550 – Weekday Interment
$550 – Weekend Interment
*additional $300 after 3:00pm or on a Sunday or a holiday
$175 – Cremain Interment
Jackson Memorial Cemetery Fees:
$500 – Burial lots
$550 – Weekday Interment
$550 – Weekend Interment
*additional $300 after 3:00pm or on a Sunday or a holiday
$175 – Cremain Interment
No plots are available in the Middle Reservation Cemetery. Cemetery lots are sold by the Castile Town Clerk.
Silver and Gold
American Legion, Legion Auxiliary
Community Club
Wednesday Club, Gala Club, Boy Scouts, Cub Scouts, Girl Scouts
Baptist Church – (585) 493-5240
United Church of Christ – (585) 493-2840
Cordelia A. Greene Library
PO Box 208
11 South Main St.
Castile, NY 14427
Phone: (585) 493-5466
Email: [email protected]
Website: http://www.castilelibrary.blogspot.com
Director – Rebecca Connolly
Letchworth State Park
1 Letchworth State Park
Castile, NY 14427
Phone: (585) 493-3600
Reservations: (800) 456-2267
Website: http://nysparks.com/parks/79/details.aspx
Castile Christian Academy – (585) 493-2528
Letchworth Central – (585) 493-5150
Perry Central – (585) 237-0270
Town Trash Pickup
Collection day is on Tuesday, however, if Monday is a Holiday then collection will be on Wednesday.
The County has contracted with Waste Management for the collection of trash and recyclables.
If your trash is not picked up, call Waste Management the next day to inform them. Waste Management can be contacted at 1-800-333-6590.
Trash collection fees are added to the homeowners Town and County Tax Bill.
Wyoming County Fair
70 Main St.
Pike, NY 14130
Fair Office: 585-493-5626
Website: http://www.wyomingcountyfair.org
Wyoming County Real Property Tax Services
To view the Assessment Roll online please visit the following link: http://www.wyomingco.net/real/main.html
Wyoming County Tourist Promotion Agency, Inc.
6470 Rt.20A, Suite 6
Perry, NY 14530
Toll Free: 1 800-839-3919
Phone: (585) 237-0230
Fax: (585) 237-0231
Email: [email protected]
Website: http://www.wycochamber.org
Hours of Operation:
Monday – Fridays. 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM