Town Questions
How do I know if I live in the Town or the Village of Castile?
There are several ways to determine if you live in the Town or Village. These include looking at:
Your house number. If you have a 2 digit house number, you probably live in the Village of Castile. If your house has a 4 digit number you probably live in the Town.
Your tax bill. Tax bill numbers begin with ‘5626’ indicating the property is located in Wyoming County (56) and the Town of Castile(26).The next two digits determine if you live in the Village:
56 26 01 Village of Castile
03 Village of Perry
89 Town of Castile outside of the Villages of Castile and Perry
If you are still unsure of your location, please check with the Town or Village Clerks.
Who does our garbage collection/recyclables?
Waste Management picks up our garbage and recyclables each Tuesday. If there is a holiday, it will then be picked up on Wednesday. The annual cost for this service is included in your Town and County Tax Bill.
Who is responsible for town taxes?
The Town Clerk is responsible for managing the town office, keeping official records, and collecting taxes for the town and county. Tax questions can be addressed to the Town Tax Assessor – Tina Rados (585) 493-2233 ext. 1004
When is Greviance Day?
Greviance Day is the second Thursday after the fourth Tuesday in May.
Village questions
What does PPA (Purchase Power Adjustment) mean on my electric bill?
We are allotted only a certain amount of hydro power from the NY Power Authority. When we exceed that number of kilowatt hours we have to buy nuclear power at a much higher rate. This added cost is prorated through the fuel adjustment charge on your electric bill.
Where does our electric come from?
The electric produced by hydro power comes from Niagara Falls, NY and is purchased from the New York Power Authority. It is wheeled to our substation by NYSEG.
Who does our garbage collection/recyclables?
Waste Management picks up our garbage and recyclables each Tuesday. If there is a holiday, it will then be picked up on Wednesday. The annual cost for this service is included in your Town and County Tax Bill.
Where does our water come from?
Wells provide the water which is stored and treated in a Village owned reservoir. The water is then gravity fed throughout the Village.
Is there fluoride in the water?
No, fluoride is not added to the Village water. However, chlorine is added for purification purposes.
Do I need a zoning and building permit?
A zoning permit is required from the Village whenever an improvement occurs including construction, alterations or a change in occupancy (1 to 2 family or 2 to 1 family, home occupations, etc). Once a zoning permit is obtained a building permit may be required by the County. You can contact Wyoming County Building and Fire Codes at 585-786-8820 for more information and questions.
When are Village taxes due?
Village taxes are mailed June 1st and are due without penalty before July 1st. The Village can accept taxes with a penalty from July 1st -October 31st. On November 1st, Village taxes are sent to the County to be added into your Town and County tax bill.